From Crib to Cross Lutheran-Episcopal Retreat
June 24 – 26, 2019
This year marks our third retreat, “From Crib to Cross.” In 2016 we met under the theme “In the Breaking of the Bread” with nearly 100 participants. New this year is an open invitation to pastors, deacons, seminarians, and lay leaders who are invested in the ecumenical life of the church. We welcome all members of the Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic-United Methodist (LARCUM) organization as well.
The Rev. Canon Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan

From the Diocese of Brandon, Ontario, Canada, the Rev. Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan is the Past President of the Canadian Council of Churches, a national ecumenical body comprised of 25 member churches. In 2015, she retired from her work as the Director for Unity Faith and Order for the Anglican Communion, based in London, England. Dr. Barnett-Cowan is the lead staff for the ecumenical dialogues of the Anglican Communion, including current conversations with the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Lutheran World Federation, the Methodist World Council, and the World Communion of Reformed Churches. Before her appointment to the Anglican Communion Office, Alyson was the Director of the Faith, Worship, and Ministry Department of the Anglican Church of Canada, where she staffed its theological and ecumenical work. She has been a member of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches and a Vice-President of the Canadian Council of Churches. Alyson is a canon of the Diocese of Brandon, Ontario, Canada, where with her late husband Bruce, she was co-president of the Henry Budd College for Ministry in the 1980s. She has three adult children and four small grandchildren.
The Rev. Dr. Timothy Wengert

From the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, the Rev. Timothy J. Wengert is the Ministerium of Pennsylvania emeritus professor of Church History at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. A parish pastor for seven years in Minnesota and Wisconsin, he received his doctorate from Duke University in 1984 and taught on Philadelphia’s faculty from 1989-2013. Dr. Wengert has written extensively on the Reformation, was co-editor of the English edition of The Book of Concord (Fortress, 2000) and translated Luther’s Small Catechism, widely used throughout the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In addition to several books on Philip Melanchthon and Martin Luther, he is general editor of The Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions (Baker, 2017). He also co-authored with Susan Wood a book on Lutheran-Roman Catholic relations, Shared Spiritual Journey (Paulist, 2016) and edited the first volume of The Annotated Luther, from which his translation of the 95 Theses has also appeared separately. Dr. Wengert currently serves on the U.S. Lutheran/Roman Catholic dialogue.
Conference Recordings
Monday, June 24, 2019
Click here for the evening presentation with Dr. Barnett-Cowan (Time: 33:29; File size: 30.6MB)
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Click here for the morning presentation with Dr. Wengert (Time: 54:17; File size: 49.6 MB)
Click here for Q&A after session (Time: 16:28; File size: 15.0 MB)
Click here for the morning workshop session (Time: 26:10; File size: 24.5 MB)
Click here for Q&A after workshop (Time: 36:05; File size: 33.8 MB)
Click here for conference Eucharist sermon by the Rt. Rev. Edwin T. Gulick (Time: 15:27; File size: 15.5 MB)
Click here for the evening presentation with Dr. Barnett-Cowan: Models of Lutheran-Episcopal Cooperation in Canada (Time: 32:16; File size: 30.3MB)
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Click here for the morning Speakers’ Joint Presentation (Time: 19:51; File size: 18.6MB)